Online Training Contract / Agreement


A. Confidentially.
Any information disclosed to us, or any of our employees or representatives will be kept in confidence. Any personal details and medical information will not be made available to third parties unless permission to do so Is first sought and the granted by you.
Please sign here if you are happy for Adore Nutrition to use photographs of your transformation for promotional use.

B. Recommendations.
Through the use of our professional judgment and any experience, we will be suggesting certain lifestyle changes incorporating exercise that we strongly believe will align with and help you achieve your personal goals. If at any stage through our supervision you have specific requests, we again will use our professional judgment in looking to accommodate them.

C. Referral.
We intend to work with you with the scope of our professional knowledge and competencies as a certified and suitably insured exercise professional. If throughout your time under our supervision, we see it in your best interests to be referred to another health professional we will do so appropriately.



Check-ins days are essential to keep you on track and accountable for your results whilst at Adore Nutrition, making sure you are adhering to the guidelines and the program. We have provided step by step instructions of what you need to do for each step of your check-in. We will advise you of your check-in days; this is when you need to check in and send across your photos and updated measurements (progress tracker). If for any reason you are unable to check in, please check in with the team the day before.



A. Disclosure of information.

You must disclose all health information as requested at our initial consultation to ensure we are fully informed of anything that may impact or alter how we work with you. You must keep us updated on any changes that may occur to your overall health. This includes all medical conditions: physical & mental, injuries, allergies, and medication that you may be prescribed.
If necessary and if requested, you may need to seek clearance from your doctor before participating in the exercise programme we have suggested.

B. Your acceptance of potential risks.
For most, exercise is hugely beneficial; there however remains some element or risk that we require you to be aware of, acknowledge and for you to sign the informed consent and disclaimer that we have provided you with.


A. Fill in the Adore Nutrition progress tracker excel document every week.

B. Take your body circumference measurements every week.

C. Take progress pictures every 2 weeks.

D. Track your daily steps average for the week, providing the information on the progress tracker at every check-in.

E. Fill in how many of your scheduled training and cardio workouts you completed based on your program. i.e. (3/5) completed for the week. As seen on the progress tracker.

F. When comparing your new progress pictures to previous, did you see any changes to your body composition? Did your shape change? Depending on if the answer is a Yes or No. Fill the excel tracker accordingly.

G. Every two weeks review your progress and how well you adhered to the program. If you want to request any changes to your plan, please write them down and bring them up at check in.



Our contact hours are Sunday – Friday 8am – 7pm. Please note any messages received outside of these hours will not be responded to within the desired time frame.



I understand that if I do not check in for two consecutive weeks with my coach at Adore Nutrition. They will take this as cancellation of my program. I have read and understood this agreement.


Legal disclaimer for Adore Nutrition.

All of our Adore Nutrition testimonials and results are real people who we have trained. These individuals have followed our programs provided by our team. If you implement our products correctly from Adore Nutrition you should see great results, however it must be disclaimed that some people may not achieve the results they expect to achieve.

This is highly unlikely as it has never happened to someone who follows our customized plans correctly.

We never state that you’ll look like someone else, but strive to produce the best version of you, this should be made clear before purchasing the products.

The Adore Nutrition team are not medical professionals. We strongly suggest that anyone who is thinking of starting any product we offer whether it be online coaching, training or diet plans must seek medical advice prior to beginning them. Our advice given with regards to online coaching, diet or training plans should never be considered over medical comment and by participating in any of them you are doing so at your own risk.

Therefore, we are not responsible for any injury, illness or poor health and in worst cases death, as a result of using the Adore Nutrition. We would like to make this clear.


Refund Policy

Adore Nutrition will issue a refund for any merchandise you are not satisfied with. All refunds will be within 14 days after you’ve purchased a product from the website. However, if you have completed our health and lifestyle analysis and received the personalized plan a refund will not be possible.


Delivery Policy

Once you have purchased your diet and training package from Adore Nutrition you will receive a confirmation email. You will also receive a health & lifestyle analysis. We require to fill in and return this information before we can devise your plans. All plans will be guaranteed within 7 days of the initial purchase.


Terms & Conditions

By using the Adore Nutrition website, you are accepting and agreeing to our terms and conditions. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions please stop using the site with immediate effect.

We are subject to change the terms and conditions at times. Notification of any changes will be dated at the end of the terms and conditions, please see LAST AMENDED date to check when last revised. Any use of the website after any changes to the terms and conditions will be your acceptance of these amendments. Whether this be by yourself or somebody else on your device.

All information provided by yourself will be accurate and kept up to date, we may need to use the information provided to contact you.

You are not permitted to under the license of these terms share or use any of our content from the website without permission. This includes any images, videos or written content. The packages and documents you receive are calculated specific to you and your dietary and training requirements. They are not to be shared or exploited in any form with any other individuals.

Adore Nutrition reserves the right to restrict you from part or full access to the site as appropriate if any of the Terms and conditions are violated. We will make every effort to avoid any errors to the site when in use, this includes access issues. This may mean that at times the site will be unavailable or contain errors when we are making changes.

Under the computer misuse Act 1990, you are not permitted to misuse the website at any time this includes the use of viruses or harmful data, or trying to gain unauthorized access to the site.

LAST AMENDED 12/04/2020